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Click here for examples of muscle testing

Related article: Kinesiology - the science of motion
Natural Medicine, December 2012 issue.

Kinesiology is a new branch of medical science which was developed by doctors, chiropractors and acupuncturists in the U.S.A and the word Kinesiology is derived from the Greek word kinesis (movement).

Kinesiology is an integrated approach to regaining balance and well-being for the individual. This is done by assessing the levels of stress in the body through muscle testing, the diagnostic tool of the Kinesiologist. Muscles are used because they communicate with the nerves, the nerves send their signals to the central nervous system in the spine and the central nervous system send messages to and receives messages from the brain, which are then sent back to the nerves and finally to the muscles.

Muscle-testing is a safe and non-invasive form of testing which needs no preparation and has no side-effects for th individual. It allows the Kinesiologist to communicate effectively with each individual and to assess the state of that individual but also to work with the healing rate and coping skills of the individual. A kinesiology treatment or balance is therefore a very personal, individualised session and it is usually the case that no two individuals will have the same experience in a Kinesiology balance, because no two individuals are the same.

In my practice I see many individuals with varying stresses, issues and symptoms. However, I’ve come to realise that the most
effective healing and balancing comes when I am able to address to physical symptoms as well as the emotional influences
and often causes behind those symptoms. Clients who are willing to participate and work on the emotional as well as the physical
aspect of their problem usually have the quickest, most effective and long-standing relief and healing.

The benefits of Kinesiology:

Kinesiology is a gentle, non-invasive method of examination and treatment.

  • It allows the client to still continue with an exercise programme, even during the period of treatment, which means no training time or fitness is sacrificed for recovery
  • It is pain-free and has no side effects
  • It is a method that can be used on any client of any age. There are even possibilities of treating very small babies and individuals with cases of low or no muscle response, e.g. the infirm, aged or disabled
  • Results and pain-relief are immediate
  • It can integrate with any form of medical treatment/therapy, which could be medical, holistic or alternative and is actually found to compliment the treatment or therapy that is already underway
  • It adapts to each client’s healing rate and ability
  • It is an integrative form of treatment and can work on the physical, mental and emotional level of the body and can verify a client’s response in each of these areas
  • It is an inexpensive form of treatment and incorporates many other treatment modalities

    What does Specialised Kinesiology treat?

As a Specialised Kinesiologist I do not diagnose or treat a specific ailment or illness. I do however, work on the imbalances in the body and by correcting these imbalances, the body as a whole benefits (ripple effect) and a specific ailment or illness would also be improved or healed. Because Kinesiology is an integrative and complimentary treatment model, it is also able to work with and complement the work of any medical model and treatment. The aim is always to assist the individual in achieving balance and wellness and to complement whatever treatment is prescribed by his/her doctor or therapist.

A short, but not limited, list of diseases that can be treated through the practise Specialised Kinesiology:

  • Addictions
  • Chronic pain, recurring pain
  • Compulsive behaviour
  • Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, learning difficulties
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Fears, phobias
  • Muscle pain, sports injuries
  • Past trauma
  • Sleep disorders
  • Stress
With special acknowledgement and thanks to Margie Donde, Principal at the Kinesiology College of South Africa

What my previous clients have to say about a Kinesiology session
